It becomes impossible for the person to do a calm judgment when a sudden pressing and the collection are received because it stood surety and it is confused. Even the person of prudence is usually the one thought to be "I want to cling to the straw" and "I want to escape from suffering".
There is something that is called that taking advantage of the weakness skillfully is arrangement Ya or introductive shop. Because damage is not expanded, it explains as knowledge.
Arrangement Ya talks fine with borrowing customer and two or more debtors who are, "Substitute for the adjustment of debts" and approaches, takes the costly premium, and is actually the one of doing neither the arrangement nor the division payoff.
An introductive shop is to introduce the loan shark who can unify the debt that is now. An interest rate that makes it do, is made the payment of the costly premium to tell the truth, and is high more and more should keep being paid to the nature to which the debt decreased momentarily because an introductive shop connects with the loan shark, and is unified the borrowing customer.
It is necessary to consult the official body such as bar association on a roll, to introduce the lawyer who can trust it to such trader's sweet temptation, and to solve the situation.
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